We interrupt your normal blog posts to bring you a post that could actually be considered narcissistic.
As of the 25th of July 2012, Chelsea L. Conner, of Parkersburg, WV, has decided that she will not be returning to Southern Utah University, located in Cedar City, UT, for the fall semester, or, frankly, any semester after that. Instead she has decided to put her educational goals on hold for the time being. She plans on returning home to West Virginia at the end of August and job hunting in the hopes of raising enough funds for her to attend The Ohio State University in the Fall of 2013. When asked about this major life decision, Chelsea had this to say:It was honestly a very tough, scary decision. I felt prompted to switch schools early on in the summer, but by that time I had already missed deadlines and I unquestionably did not have the funds to pay tuition. It never even crossed my mind to take the year off, so I planned on staying here and going to school and working. I realized, however, that this plan was counterproductive for multiple reasons.She proceeded to talk about how Cedar City had helped her to grow and that she was going to be sad to leave the city. "I've met so many friends here," she said. "It's going to be sad to leave without seeing people. I said 'see ya in a few months' to a lot of people. It never even crossed my mind to say goodbye."
Yet even though it will be sad to leave the 'temporary home' she made for herself in Cedar, Chelsea is 'beyond excited' to be returning home. "If going away for college taught me anything, its that my heart belongs in West Virginia. There's a reason West Virginia's state songs, whether they be officially labeled as such or just Country Roads, always talk about coming home. Its where I grew up, where my family and friends are (except for those who have moved away), and its always going to be my home among the hills. I'm so excited to be going back"
The exact date for departure has yet to be set in stone, but it will be sometime after the 22nd of August.