Thursday, January 2, 2014

Why Hello There 2014.

Why hello there 2014.  It's good to meet you.  I hope we get along just fine.  You see, all the years before you, well, they've not treated me very kindly.  But you, I have a very good feeling about you.

Forgive my little personification above.  It's late and I'm feeling a bit loopy, but I just want to get some thoughts down.

I normally do little "recaps" of the good and bad bits of [insert year here], but I know what 2013's would look like.  Yes, I met amazing people and I learned a lot, but there was a lot of depression this past year.  I wasn't in a very good place for a lot of 2013.  Your best friend deciding he really doesn't want to date you (or really even be your friend either) after prompting after prompting points you in his direction even before he made a move tends to do that to a girl.  And I only mention that for perspectives sake. I was devastated.  Not only did I lose a friend I thought would always have my back, I started to doubt all the promptings I had received and my connection to my Heavenly Father that I had relied so heavily upon up to that point.

I'm doing a lot better.  I have more good days than depressed days and I'm starting to trust the promptings I receive from the Holy Ghost again. That's something that I made a resolution even before the New Year: to get my relationship with my Heavenly Father back on track.  I think I've made good progress so far.  But this post wasn't even really supposed to be about resolutions.  I've never been a fan of them.  If I want to change something in my life, I don't see the point in waiting for some magic date or resolving to change something I know I won't follow through on because I really don't want to change.  (End mini rant.)

No, the whole point of this post, is to document the fact that on the third day of 2014, I, Chelsea L. Conner, for the first time in who knows how long, thinks that this is going to be a really great year.  I know who I want to be and am working to become her.  I have a fairly decent idea of what I want to do.  And I have a better idea than ever of the qualities I desire in the person I hope to spend eternity with.  I plan on moving this year and I just know that great things are going to await me there.  I don't know what they are.  Maybe I'll meet my eternal companion.  Maybe I'll take a class that gives me an idea for how to move forward with the things I want to do in this world.  Maybe I'll help others to see Christ's love.  I don't know.  All I know is that Columbus, OH is where my Heavenly Father wants me to be.  It's the last thing I expected, but that's what I thought about moving to Utah and that was wonderful.  

It might be hard.  Nothing may go the way I want it to, but I know that my Heavenly Father will bring me through anything he brings me to.  That's another thing I learned this past year.  I know that through him, all things are possible.  I welcome this year with open arms.  One way or another, it's going to be a really great year.