Annoyed, but reminding myself I'm still at work, I politely as I can tell him that if people wouldn't shop on Sunday, I wouldn't have to work. He laughs and replies with "Well, there's nothing else to do." And I wish he wouldn't have said that either.
I bit my tongue and handed him his change, but that last statement made me mad. I am not someone who is prone to anger, in fact, I can't remember the last time I was properly angry. But oh boy, if you want to rile me up you apparently just need to tell me that there is nothing else on God's green Earth that you could be doing on the Sabbath other than shopping.
So dear sir, here is a small list of things you could be doing instead of shopping on Sunday:
- taking a walk through nature to enjoy the Lord's creation
- visiting the sick or elderly
- spending time with your family (somewhere that doesn't require someone else to work for you to be there)
- watching Prince of Egypt or some other gospel centered movie
- taking a nap
- reading scriptures
- taking time to marvel at how wonderfully the Lord has blessed your life.
The Sabbath is more than just not working. It should be spent glorifying God and helping those in need. But the part I wish so many people didn't forget is that part in italics. Part of the Sabbath day observance as laid out by the Lord requires not making others work. The kitchen supplies, clothes, books, movies, and body wash will still be at the mall on Monday. There are so many better things to do on the Lord's day than shop.