Friday, April 5, 2013

"Come Listen to a Prophet's Voice!"

This weekend is one of my two favorite weekends that happen every year: General Conference!

If my non-LDS friends are reading this, they may be thinking, "But Chelsea, what's this General Conference that you speak of?  I do not know what this is."  Well, General Conference is when those of the LDS faith gather together, whether it be in the Conference Center in Salt Lake City, in church buildings around the world, or by listening or watching on the internet, TV, or radio in their own homes, to listen as Prophets and Apostles of the Lord, give us guidance from Him.

Yes.  You read that right.  As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I and other members of the church, believe that the Lord still speaks to us today through His chosen prophets and apostles. Thomas S.  Monson, his councilors, and the Quorum of The Twelve Apostles are living prophets, seers, and revelators- men called to speak for the Lord and guide His Church upon the Earth in our time.  Our loving Father in Heaven has not allowed us to continue to stumble in the darkness to find our own way to Him, but has given us a living, everlasting beacon of continued light  and guidance.

General Conference is divided into four sessions: Saturday morning (noon EST) and afternoon (4 pm EST) and Sunday morning (noon EST) and afternoon (4 pm EST).  These sessions take place during the first weekends of April and October. Here is a link to where you can watch the sessions live.  All the sessions are wonderful and inspiring, but if you can only make time to watch one session of Conference, I recommend catching the Sunday morning session as that is when Thomas S. Monson, current President of the Church, will be speaking.

When I was out in Utah, I traveled the three and a half hours up to Provo to stay with some friends from West Virginia (well hung out with a lot of people, stayed with one (Thanks so much Courtney!)) and we went up to Salt Lake for two sessions that October and one in April.  The first time being in the Conference Center was an amazing experience and one I will never forget.

We had tickets for the Saturday morning session so we got up early (Conference starts at 10 when you're in Utah) and drove the 45ish minutes up to Salt Lake.  From there we waited in line and then found our seats.  The Spirit in the Conference Center was so strong.  A little bit before the Conference started, we were all asked to stand as the First Presidency walked out and took their seats on the stand.  The Spirit, which was already so strong, intensified.  The still, small voice of the Spirit whispered, "These are men of God."

That experience is just one of many reasons I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  I bear my testimony to anyone who reads this that this the true church upon the Earth today.  It was restored through Joseph Smith Jr. by the power of the Lord.  The Lord's hand is in this work and it is marvelous.  It has been the constant in my life and I have been made stronger when I turn to it.  I know these things because I prayed to know that they were true and the Holy Ghost, the third member of the Godhead, touched my heart and allowed me to know the truthfulness of these things.

But don't take my word for it.  Watch General Conference this weekend with an open heart and ask God if these things are true.  In Matthew 7:20 it states, "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them."  This is just one of many fruits of the gospel of Christ.  It is delicious unto me.  It has blessed my life and I know it can bless yours if you will let it.


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