Sunday, January 13, 2013

Take Chances, Make Mistakes, and Get Messy!

Sometimes things happen that you never foresaw happening.  Sometimes, these things are wonderful and surpass what you had envisioned for your own life.  And sometimes, you change everything for something or someone and it all comes crashing down.
I'm living in the after math of the crash right now.
Now would be the time that it would be really easy to hold company with Coulda, Woulda, and Shoulda.  I could have stayed in Cedar City.  I wouldn't have been so hasty to change all my plans.  I should have weighed the consequences of things not working out when I decided to move yet again.  I guess that's why hindsight is perfect.  If I could go back, maybe I would have done things differently.  
I don't have a TARDIS though, so I'm trying to look at the bright side.  I've gone from having a (fairly) solid short-term life plan to well, not having much of one.  I'm trying to decide right now just what it is I want to do.  I want to go back to college, but where?  I could go back to Utah, or move to Columbus for my own reasons.  The world is my playground.  I can go anywhere.
I have heard from multiple people over the past year that I have talent.  That I'm going to go places with the gifts I have been given.  I'm looking at this mishap as a clean slate to chase after those talents and dreams unhindered by thoughts of how they will effect others (or specifically, one other person).
I look forward to whatever life is going to throw at me next.  I know it won't be easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is.    

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