Oft times, the bitterest of trials
are but blessings in disguise.
For a time they drag us down
to unspeakable depths of pain
but can be a light unto us when reflected upon.
Lessons taught but unlearned
are brought to the forefront
of our memories.
Terrible occurrences
seemingly curse our lives,
bestow wondrous insight,
not to be gained otherwise.
And sometimes we realize
these seemingly impossible trials
are only for our good.
Everything falls apart
for our own benefit.
This is a gift
from a loving Heavenly Father
who only wants our ultimate happiness.
It is his divine intervention
that puts the hard times on our path
so we are forced to travel through a refiner’s fire.
But just as silver is made pure in such a fire
our trials teach us the ways of Christ
and we are made pure
by His love and mercy.
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