Monday, March 19, 2012

Things I Miss About My West Virginia Hills

  • Pepperoni Rolls.  I have lost count of how many times I have thought about walking to a gas station to get one only to realize that Utah does not have these rolls of greasy goodness.
  • Green.  While there are grasses and trees, they have to water them constantly.  And the trees they do have are on the puny side.
  • Going along with the above, I miss McDonough Wildlife Refuge.  I miss Special tree, and the pond, and the lookout tower, and the old oil well, and so. many. trees.
  • I miss randomly seeing wildlife.  
  • Autumn.  Nothing beats driving down the interstate when the leaves have started to change color.
  • Mister Bee's Potato Chips.  I don't know why, but I have been wanting these so bad.  Along with the best tortilla chips that can only be found at Aldi's.  
  • Sno Biz.  I saw today that due to the great weather, they would be opening soon.  Someone go have a root beer float shaved ice for me.  I need to live vicariously through you.
  • Photography locations.  I had go-to spots for photo shoots.  Like the railroad tracks, McDonough, Fort Boreman, Front Street, the Old Marble Factory.  (Well, the last one is only in theory.  I haven't had an opportunity to go yet.)  All I have now is the campus. 
  • And finally, my family and friends.  Whether your in West Virginia or you've moved elsewhere, I still miss you all.  

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The "Cute" Problem

I am sure that whatever idea the title gives you, is not the direction I'm heading.  This is not a post about pink hearts or cats in cups.  No, this post hopefully has a bit more substance than that..
When I say I'm talking to some guy, the first question my female friends ask me is,
"Is he cute?"
Really?!  There are a few things that are just not okay with this, and since I apparently can't write a blog post without a list, these reasons are coming at you in list form!

  1. Looks are completely subjective.  For instance, I find Zach Galifianakis attractive and I'm sure more than one person out there will disagree with me.  My telling you that I think this guy is cute tells you absolutely nothing about him which brings us to my second point.
  2. If I am telling you that I am talking to someone, we're most likely friends.  Shouldn't you be concerned about anything else?  I don't know.  Maybe you should be asking if he's kind.  Or if he makes me happy.  Even what his major is would be better than asking if he's cute.
  3. I thought women, as a general rule, were tired of being objectified.  Why then is the first question I'm asked about a guy related directly to his appearance?  If as women, we do not want to be objectified, maybe we should stop objectifying men.  Lead by example!
Whew.  Glad I got that out of my system.  *steps off soap box*
And for those of you disappointed by the lack of cute in this post, here's kittens in a cup.