Friday, July 13, 2012

Occasionally, I Write Poems

I took an Intro to Creative Writing class this past spring.  During the poetry section, we spent a day or two looking at spoken word  poetry.  I became fascinated.  I had never written anything even resembling spoken word and I wanted to badly.  After a few discarded attempts, I have finally finished one.  Constructive criticism is always appreciated. (And yes, I realize its called 'spoken word' for a reason.  Take up the complaint with my webcam that refuses to cooperate with youtube.)
And now, without further ado...

For the Man Who Means More Than A Poem
Chelsea L. Conner

I’ve been trying to write about you,
but it all just comes out clichéd, and overdone, and
sounding like every damn love poem I’ve ever written combined into one,
which will not do,
because if that love was so special, why am I writing to you,
and not to the boy who first made me want to emulate Shakespeare?

Now maybe I’m a natural born cynic,
or maybe the world made me that way,
but thus far in my life romance has been but a shooting star;
beautiful, rare, and it doesn’t last nearly long enough.

And I don’t want that for us.

There I go again, but it’s true.
You mean more to me than fleeting promises
we won’t mean tomorrow.
I want us to mean more than clichéd sentiments
penned by my younger self.
I don’t want us to be ephemeral;
I want us to be eternal.

I want us to write our own love story.
Something that will be better than fiction
because it won’t be perfect.
It will be perfectly real.

I want to steal your last name.
I want people at our wedding to say
they always knew we would make it.

I want to make babies with you by the dozen!
(Well, maybe not that many,
but we can sure try!)

I want to embarrass our kids when they’re older,
because we’re still madly in love
and we don’t care who knows it.

I want us to call each other pet names
like darling and dear
well into our sixties.
And to continue to hold hands in public
even if we get arthritis.

I want young couples to see us
and make them strive to have a love
that could even attempt to rival ours.

Maybe we won’t last nearly that long.
But darling, I truly believe
we can be much more spectacular than a shooting star.
We can be a super nova.

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